Oh yeah, I see. I expect this to be solved at same time qreal mess has been 
cleaned up. 

On Monday 20 June 2011 09:14:16 Marius Brehler wrote:
> On 06/19/11 20:49, Samu Voutilainen wrote:
> > On Thursday 16 June 2011 09:25:56 Marius Brehler wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >> in reference to the 'Jambi Cross Compiling Error' thread I would like to 
> >> discuss the error more detailed.
> >>
> >> The library.native.compile fails on the QEasingCurve::setCustomType 
> >> function. This function is only
> >> generated for my ARM target and is not for an X86 target. Compiling the 
> >> library succeeds if the
> >> function is commented out in 
> >> build/generator/out/cpp/com_trolltech_qt_core/qtjambishell_QEasingCurve.cpp
> >>
> >> // QEasingCurve::setCustomType(float func)
> >> extern "C" Q_DECL_EXPORT void JNICALL
> >> QTJAMBI_FUNCTION_PREFIX(Java_com_trolltech_qt_core_QEasingCurve__1_1qt_1setCustomType_1float__JF)
> >> (JNIEnv *__jni_env,
> >>    jobject,
> >>    jlong __this_nativeId,
> >>    jfloat func0)
> >> {
> >>       QTJAMBI_DEBUG_TRACE("(native) entering: 
> >> QEasingCurve::setCustomType(float func)");
> >>       Q_UNUSED(__jni_env)
> >>       Q_UNUSED(__this_nativeId)
> >>       QEasingCurve *__qt_this = (QEasingCurve *) 
> >> qtjambi_from_jlong(__this_nativeId);
> >>       QTJAMBI_EXCEPTION_CHECK(__jni_env);
> >>       Q_ASSERT(__qt_this);
> >>       __qt_this->setCustomType((float )func0);
> >>       QTJAMBI_DEBUG_TRACE("(native) ->  leaving: 
> >> QEasingCurve::setCustomType(float func)");
> >>
> >> }
> >>
> >> I am at the point that I belive that this is not a problem with my qmake 
> >> mkspecs/cross compiling.
> >> Commenting the function out works as mentioned, but I do not know if this 
> >> is realy a good idea. It
> >> would be possible to run 'ant generator', runing 'sed' on 
> >> qtjambishell_QEasingCurve.cpp and
> >> afterwards run 'ant library'. Hope somebody can helps.
> >> Best Regards
> >>
> >> Marius
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Qt-jambi-interest mailing list
> >> Qt-jambi-interest@qt.nokia.com
> >> http://lists.qt.nokia.com/mailman/listinfo/qt-jambi-interest
> >
> > Oh, this is solution to earlier problem?
> Yes, this is the solution to the problem described in the 'Jambi Cross 
> Compile Error' thread.
> > Looks like this is unnecessary function then, or do anyone have an use case 
> > what for it should be included in Jambi? Or can I just reject it out.
> The attached patch would remove the function at least for float. For double 
> it is already removed.
> Best Regards
> Marius
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