Kenny Moens wrote:

> I'm using Qt-Jambi for a Java-based project. Our users have fairly
> different machines and have few knowledge of computers. Many of them
> think "Oh I have a 64-bit machine, I must install 64-bit Java" for many
> common (sometimes false) reasons.

You can educate your users that they can also install side-by-side the 
32bit JVM.  All windows 64bit system support WoW64 and therefore the 
32bit JVM and 32bit windows application space.

Qt Jambi does work on Win64 in both MSVC and mingw-w64 forms, if you 
really care you just need to compile it yourself (i.e. if it was that 
much of an issue/problem you would find the time to be able to compile 
it yourself).

> For this it would be extremely helpful if we could make this transparent
> for our users: i.e. being able to use Qt-Jambi, regardsless of the fact
> that you have a 32-bit or 64-bit JVM installed.
> Unfourtunately I couldn't find binary distributions yet for Windows on
> 64-bit (amd64). Are there plans for building Qt-Jambi on 64-bit for Windows?

The only way to get "transparency" is to allow BOTH the win32 and win64 
JARs to be placed on the Java classpath at the same time.  This would 
(in the future) require you to download BOTH flavors of redistributables 
and shallow the problem of increased installation size.  Please note 
this feature is not possible at this time as QtJambi will complain on 
startup and get confused when multiple JARs are present.

But the general concept of this feature is being worked on and is 
expected to be a feature available before the end of this year along 
with OSGi and some support for Eclipse tooling.

Yes there are currently no redistributables for windows 64bit at this 
time.  But the git source tree will build for Windows 64bit (if you have 
a 64bit version of Qt SDK to work from, which you may need to build 
yourself as well).

There are only 2 remaining show stoppers with releasing 4.7.4-beta-4:
  * That the Win32 MinGW build crashes on startup of the Launcher.
  * That the examples/generator/hello_world_generator crashes on startup 
on all platforms I tested, Linux64, Win32.  Although another user has 
reported that current git master (the same version I tested) works for 
them on msvc2008 and win32.

Both of these things require a proper explanation as to the problem and 
then feedback/corrective action into the project to help test for the 
cause which then stops it from being a problem again.

This 4.7.4-beta-4 release will provide redistributables for win64 in 
both MSVC2010 and mingw-w64 flavors.

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