Hi Colin,

On 18/06/2010, at 1:19 PM, ext Colin Kern wrote:
> I want to have a C++ object emit a signal when a QML element is
> clicked on.  I've tried binding the onClicked event handler of the
> MouseArea to the C++ signal, thinking it would work similar to how in
> pure C++ you can connect a signal to another signal, but it didn't
> seem to work.

A simple test case of the above (with a parameterless signal) worked fine for 
me; you shouldn't need the workaround below. If you've got an example that's 
not working, I'm happy to have a further look at it.

> Right now I have the onClicked event connected to a C++
> slot that simply emits the signal, but it seems like there should be a
> more elegant way to do this.


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