
On 09/07/2010, at 1:50 PM, ext Jason H wrote:
> Awesome I got it working! It seems to work by magic that you can have it 
> evaluate like that.
> The reason why I was trying "wrap: true" was because the docs told me to do 
> it... 

It sounds like you've got out-of-date docs. Are you building yourself, or using 
the beta2 release? As far as I can tell the docs are correct at HEAD.

> Now, I've change the list view, and I think you can see what I am going for:
> ListView{ 
>        width: 1000
>        height: 700
>        anchors.fill: parent
>        model: visualModel
>        highlightFollowsCurrentItem: true
>        spacing: 10
>        SequentialAnimation {
>            NumberAnimation    {
>                properties: "visibleArea.yPosition"
>                from:0
>                to: 1
>            }
>        }
>    }
> }
> But it won't do what I think it should. What do I need to do?

You probably want to use the "on" syntax -- see 
 If you truly do want a standalone animation object, you will need to also 
specify a "target" 

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