Hi guys,

As far as I can see, GridView only supports cells that all have the same
height and width. But what if you need to display data in a table, pretty
much like an HTML table, that requires row of variable height to adapt to
the content height?

So far, we can see several options :

1. Use a Repeater to instantiate all our cells, then use JS + anchoring to
anchor the cells to each other. Put the whole thing inside a Flickable, and
you're done. But it is cumbersome.

2. Make our own TableView element in C++, possibly by ripping some code off
GridView. But it seems difficult (qdeclarativegridview.cpp is 2600 lines of
code). And it is even harder as we have no easy access to other QDeclarative
classes, like QDeclarativeFlickable

3. Post to this mailing-list and hope that someone will find a solution, or
even better, some troll will say "sure, let's just create a TableView
element" :)

What are your thoughts on this?

Thanks a lot!

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