On 05/08/2010, at 8:38 AM, ext Alex wrote:
> As you saw, I am using SequentialAnimation to sequence animations, but
> what if I want a non-animation in the sequence?
> For example, assume I've exposed a C++ "MediaPlayer" component to QML,
> which has a playFile(path) slot and playbackCompleted() signal.
> Is there a declarative approach for me to express the following?
> 1.  animate fade-in for element A
> 2.  play sound(S) and wait for completion
> 3.  animate fade-in for element B

Another option that you could experiment with would be something like:

MediaPlayer {
    id: mediaPlayer
    onPlaybackCompleted: NumberAnimation {} //second fade

SequentialAnimation {
    NumberAnimation {} //first fade
    ScriptAction { script: mediaPlayer.play() }


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