Hi again and sorry for all the spam :)

I´ve now managed to use XmlListModel with ListView to implement some 
parts of my slide show, but somehow I think I now could use a 
XmlTreeModel or something.

Let´s say the XML looks like this:

       <name>My First slide show</name>
       <slide id="1">
         <text>Some text...</text>

       <slide id="2">
         <text>Some other text...</text>

     <name>My second slide show</name>


Now I can create a XmlListModel like this:
XmlListModel {
   id: slideshowModel
   source: "slideshow.xml"
   query: "/root/slideshow/slide"
   XmlRole { name: "img"; query: "image/string()" }
   XmlRole { name: "text"; query: "image/text()" }

So far, so good. I will get all sides from my first slide show. But how 
can I, for example, access the <name> element of <slideshow>? And how 
can I access the other slide shows?

I would like to have a list, where each element looks like this:
* slide show name: /root/slideshow/name/string()
* slide text:      /root/slideshow/slide/text/string()
* slide image:     /root/slideshow/slide/image/string()
* More...

I tried adding a XmlRole that accesses the parent element like:

XmlRole { name: "parentName"; query: "../name/string()" }

But without success. Is it possible to do something like that with 

Thanks again!

Am 06.08.2010 13:57, schrieb Cornelius Hald:
> Hi,
> I´m new to QML and Qt, so please excuse my beginner questions. To get
> acquainted with QML I´m trying to do a small multi-media slide show
> thing. Basically it should show pictures with some text and play some
> audio file. A simple XML model could look like this:
> <slideshow>
>     <slide id="1">
>       <image>http://example.com/img1.jpg";</image>
>       <audio>http://example.com/snd1.mp3";</audio>
>       <text>Some text...</text>
>     </slide>
>    [...]
>     <slide id="42">
>       <image>http://example.com/img42.jpg";</image>
>       <audio>http://example.com/snd42.mp3";</audio>
>       <text>Some other text...</text>
>     </slide>
> </slideshow>
> My view should have a 'previous' and a 'next' button and always show one
> picture + text + audio. Once someone clicks the 'next' button the next
> slide should be shown.
> Building the view was no problem and it´s working as expected, the
> problem is how to build the model for the view and how to present it to
> the view. (The view is just a .qml file, so not a view like the e.g. the
> ListView.)
> I´ve looked at ListModel and XmlListModel and I think they provide all I
> need on the model side. Then for the view part I looked at ListView,
> GridView and PathView, but somehow those views are made to show all
> items at once and I only want to display one item a time.
> Do I have to create my own *View class? If yes, do I have to do this
> with C++ or is there a way to build a custom view using only QML/JS? I
> was trying to pass a ListModel into my view just by binding properties,
> but that doesn´t seem to work.
> It could be that I´m missing something obvious here, if so, please tell
> me :)
> All pointers would be very much appreciated and if something is unclear
> I´ll provide more information.
> Thanks!
> Conny
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