I just tried this on OS X 10.6 and it seems to work as you want it to.

I can flick back and forth, and when I hit the black rect, it animates left or 


On Aug 23, 2010, at 7:23 AM, ext Cornelius Hald wrote:

> Hi!
> Could someone reproduce the issue below? If yes, I´ll file it as bug. 
> But there is still a (very good) chance, that I´m simply doing something 
> wrong.
> Thanks!
> Conny
> Am 21.08.2010 15:51, schrieb Cornelius Hald:
>> Hi,
>> I'm having trouble with a ListView in combination with a
>> VisualItemModel. It behaves as expected, if I use the mouse to flick
>> between the ListView items. But if I change the current item using code,
>> the next item is not visible during the animation.
>> If I remember correctly I've already used the ListView with a ListModel
>> and XmlListModel without having this problem.
>> In the following example code there is a orange and a green rectangle on
>> gray background. You can flick horizontally to switch between them. If
>> you click the black rectangle at the bottom, the same should happen, but
>> it looks different.
>> Before filing this as a bug it would be nice if you could check that the
>> code is actually ok. Also it would be nice if you could see if the
>> example works for you. Maybe it's a local problem only.
>> -----------------------------
>> import Qt 4.7
>> Rectangle {
>>     color: "gray"
>>     width: 800
>>     height: 480
>>     VisualItemModel {
>>         id: itemModel
>>         Rectangle {
>>             width: 800
>>             height: 480
>>             color: "orange"
>>         }
>>         Rectangle {
>>             width: 800
>>             height: 480
>>             color: "green"
>>         }
>>     }
>>     ListView {
>>         id: listView
>>         model: itemModel
>>         orientation: ListView.Horizontal
>>         anchors.fill: parent
>>     }
>>     Rectangle {
>>         width: 50
>>         height: 50
>>         color: "black"
>>         anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
>>         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
>>         MouseArea {
>>             anchors.fill: parent
>>             onClicked: {
>>                 listView.currentIndex == 0
>>                 ? listView.currentIndex = 1
>>                 : listView.currentIndex = 0;
>>             }
>>         }
>>     }
>> }
>> -----------------------------
>> Thanks!
>> Conny
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