
On 26. aug. 2010, at 12.37, ext Robinson, David wrote:

> I’m testing QML application deployment to a Windows PC where no Qt software 
> has previously been installed to see what’s involved.
> I have a C++ application that creates a QDeclarativeView and loads a QML 
> local file. The QML local file happens to be the flickr example with some 
> added multimedia support using the Qt mobility API.
> The application runs & locates the imports & plugins required but something 
> relating to image format support is still missing. The following is a summary 
> of the configuration so far for anyone attempting the same: -
>       • Qt dll’s needed are local to the exe.

not necessarily. You can package Qt libraries into an installation package 
which will be installed to the proper location (see "side by side assemblies" 
in the MSDN documentation). 

>       • QML components are located in a directory tree relative to the QML 
> local file

>       • Declarative Imports are located in a directory tree structure 
> relative to the exe eg Qt/Multimedia etc

see qmlviewer --help and -I command line option, or 

>       • Backends are located in a ‘plugins’ directory tree relative to the 
> environment variable QTDIR. This resolves errors like no service found for - 
> "com.nokia.qt.mediaplayer" etc


>       • The exe install directory has been added to the path so that imports 
> built on Qt dll’s can find their dependencies. (I can’t see any alternative 
> except dll duplication for each import dll & that’s worse!).

huh? That shouldn't be required.

> Now when the app runs the QML is loaded the multimedia import is located & 
> the backends are found but even though I have included the imports for 
> ‘imageformats’, I get ‘image format unsupported’ errors for all jpg images 
> when the QML loads the RssModel delegates.
> Does anybody know what needs to be deployed to support QML jpg image formats?

see above, plus http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qt-conf.html


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