On 15/09/2010, at 2:40 AM, ext Robert Garrett wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm not sure if this is the correct place for my query, but if not
> hopefully someone could point me to the right place.
> I'm building an embedded application using QML for the front-end and
> python for the back-end.  I'm not sure how to join these bits
> together, though.
> Can anyone give me some examples/demonstration code for hooking this
> into Python?  I've seen the PySide project, which looks to do what I
> need, but I'm new to Qt and the docs at PySide don't have much
> information on the QtDeclarative side of things.
> At the moment something very simple would be helpful - a python script
> that creates the window using a qml file and then some python code to
> update a text box in the interface.  And a button in the interface
> that causes a function in the python code to be run.  I'm sure this
> should be a simple signal/slot thing, but I've struggled to get the
> syntax working.  From there I should be able to figure most of what I
> need.


I've never tried this myself, but I've seen a couple blogs recently mentioning 
a QML + Python combination:
* http://blogger-mikael.blogspot.com/2010/09/qml-signals-and-pyside.html 
(includes example)

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