
Since I don't know how to respond to a thread that was running before I 
joined the list, I will refer to this message:

I don't see a reply to your suggestion, Henrik. So I don't know if that 
worked for the anonymous person who asked you the question....

I followed your advice and the qml in that message is not displaying the 
video for me. It does play the sound that comes with it.

This is the test:

import Qt 4.7
import Qt.multimedia 1.1

Rectangle {
     width: 200
     height: 200
     Video {
    id: video
    anchors.fill: parent
    source: Qt.resolvedUrl("C:/TestFolder//test.wmv")
    Component.onCompleted : video.play();


So as I said, I can load the video without error message in Creator 
(release build only). However, the sound is played but the video is not. 
Do you have another suggestion to resolve this?

Thanks a lot

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