XmlListModel {
       id: albumXmlModel
       source: ""
       query: "/lfm/topalbums/album"

       XmlRole {name: "album"; query: "name/string()" }
       XmlRole {name: "image"; query: "image[3]/string()"}

function searchAlbum(artist)
           if(artist.trim() == "") return;
           albumXmlModel.source =
                   + artist + "&api_key=" + container.lastfmkey

I have a problem with XmlListModel. In application I work whith
Last.Fm API. Function 'searchAlbum' searches albums of artist
'artist'. If the artist's name contains a character '&', that it must
be replaced by '%26'. I wrote:

function searchAlbum(artist)
           artist = artist.replace("&","%26")
           albumXmlModel.source =
                   + artist + "&api_key=" + container.lastfmkey

But in Wireshark I looked this:


In request all characters '%' are removed from the line. This is a
bug? How to solve this problem?

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