<snip, not have multiple QDeclarativeView instances>,
> instead, have:
> QDeclarativeView
>    -Desktop-Widget-Canvas
>        -QDeclarativeItem
>        -QDeclarativeItem
>        -QDeclarativeItem

Ah, that makes sense:  One "convenience" QDeclarativeView,
and I'll instantiate my QDeclarativeEngine, QDeclarativeContext,
and QDeclarativeItem instances, and I'll merely parent all my
QDeclarativeItem instances inside the *one* QDeclarativeView
convenience instance.

Should I try to figure out how to "share" a single QDeclarativeEngine
instance (I assume there's already one being used by QDeclarativeView
before I create my own)?

Finally, with a single "big" desktop widget, I'd like to make the
background transparent so I can see the rest of my desktop.
I couldn't find any examples in the QML docs, and the "standard"
approaches don't seem to be working, like:

//NOT WORK (app flashes up briefly, then nothing displays):
my_qdeclarative_view.setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint |

QPalette p = my_view.viewport()->palette();
p.setColor(QPalette::Base, Qt::transparent);

...I thought the above should work, because QDeclarativeView
derives from QFrame and QGraphicsView.  (What is the root-most

The above doesn't work even if I apply them to the "rootObject()"
either.  Can you have a transparent QDeclarativeView background
(so I can see the desktop underneath)?

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