
On 06/11/2010, at 7:17 AM, ext Tico Ballagas wrote:

I was trying to create a basic QML Webkit + Flickable proof of concept.

import Qt 4.7

import QtWebKit 2.0


    width: 640; height: 480

    contentWidth: webView.width

    contentHeight: webView.height

    WebView {

        id: webView

        preferredWidth: parent.width

        url: 'http://qt.nokia.com'



However, this seems to show a checkerboard... until you scroll.  Once you 
scroll, the content magically appears.  I've tried this on both Linux and Mac 
and get the same result.   What am I doing wrong?

Does it work correctly if you give the Flickable an id, and bind WebView's 
preferredWidth to myFlickable.width rather than parent.width? Items added in a 
Flickable become a child of the Flickable's contentItem rather than the 
Flickable itself, which may be causing the problem (parent.width is binding to 
the contentItem's width rather than the Flickable's width).


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