Michael spaketh:

> This reminds me a bit of http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-11712-- 
> do you think this may be related to what you are seeing? Do you have any
> small examples of strange out-of-order behaviors you could share (I'd like
> to understand the problem better)?
I spent some time looking at that bug -- very interesting.  Thanks!

Yes, this might be the same thing that I'm seeing.  I agree with the
original comment, that without some "preference" that (1) bound properties
are updated first, and (2) ONLY THEN onXXXChanged slots should run
(undetermined order is fine).  I think that will fix my problem.

This might be my *entire* issue, so I voted for it and am now watching that

Still, I'm thinking about the "corner cases" to different designs where
fundamentally, it might be unclear "what you can trust" (e.g., bound
properties?  Unbound properties?  Slots?  Imperative calls triggered from
different slots with undetermined order?)  It's kind of an interesting
problem marrying "declarative" and "imperative".

I suppose globalizing the topic would reduce it to the *same* set of issues
for any multi-threaded model (e.g., handling resources across synchronous
and asynchronous threads).  However, for explicitly threaded models like
that, one tends to design a model where those resource locks/updates are
understood (to avoid collisions) or "repairable" (to "heal" from past
collisions).  It's not yet obvious to me how to handle that with the
QDeclarative "way" for non-trivial systems (e.g., I tend to work on heavy
desktop apps).

For example, if I "trusted" a not-yet-updated property (e.g., did work based
on the stale value), and the value (in parallel) was updated, I might not be
able to detect that I need to re-do that work.

So, summary question:  Is there guidance on the internal thread model within
the Declarative engine (e.g., how is work distributed on threads, their
priorities, and when other threads are created?)

(Is this too big a question, or not sufficiently defined within the
Declarative engine at this point, as we are seeing discussions like this and

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