
One of the main problems that I have with QML, and that actually is
directly linked to what makes it awesome, is the fact that you won't
have any compile-time error when you change property names / slots /
etc... in C++.

So I was wondering, would it be possible, from a technical point of
view (not a product manager / roadmap POV), to have some kind of
static analysis tool that could tell at compile time that some signal
/ slots names have changed ?

Could be something like: for each element declared in QML, find it's
type (so need to parse import directives), then check that all signals
/ slots / properties being used in QML are correctly defined...

I've already noticed that there is some kind of static analysis
running, since I get compile errors for some javascript errors, like
missing braces, this kind of thing.

Just wondering... :)

Thanks for this amazing piece of technology, by the way!
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