
I am trying to use the DocumentGalleryModel element to get a list of all my 
images, based on the example at


This works just fine inside Scratchbox, but when I run it from Qt Creator with 
a Windows Desktop target it fails with the following error:

Mobility.qml:14:16: QML DocumentGalleryModel: QGalleryQueryRequest is not 
supported by QDocumentGallery.

I am using the example from the documentation without any changes.

I have apparently compiled and installed Qt Mobility just fine, since I get 
syntax highlighting inside Qt Creator.

The documentation at http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility/qml-gallery.html 
mentions a DocumentGalleryQueryModel element, which simply does not exist.

Any ideas?

Qt 4.7.1
Qt Creator 2.0.91
Qt Mobility 1.1 compiled with mingw32-make (configure -debug)


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