Title: Message
I went there as was told but could not find anything to get a free pedometer, only a free sample.  I filled out the form and requested the pedometer, however I have not received any sort of response and that was like one or two weeks ago.  How did you get yours?
-----Original Message-----
From: ~LittleQuad~ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2004 9:29 AM
Cc: Quad-list post
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Free Pedometer for the asking

lol...i got mine yesterday too.....is so cute

Greetings All,
I sent away for a free pedometer on Monday and it arrived on Friday. Pretty
Fast, eh?
I can't sign anyone up, but you can go there yourself and ask.


Don't cost a penny, except your time. They make great presents for kids and
young adults who wish to log their footsteps.

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