Has Gabe had a pneumonia vaccine shot? If not, it would be a good idea to get one but check with his Dr. first about it. Wheelchair's advice on taking a stomach friendly bacteria like acidophilus for his bowels is good. Also, taking digestive enzymes at meal times should help reduce gas. Both can be purchased at a health food store.
Gabe had pneumonia this summer for the first time. Hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP) He went in for a simple procedure and ended up in ICU. The question I have for you all is. While this pneumonia was picked up in the hospital, do you have any advice on prevention.(besides stay out of the hospital) This has been the current plan....Gabe is busy and moving, his suite has a HEPA filter and humidifier with eucalyptus oil in it.  A real basic respiratory therapy happens 2 x a day. Anything else?
Bowel motility..... The painful swollen gut. complicated by a partial bowel obstruction. Gabe usually has shakes, smoothies or yogurt. Stuff that's easy on the gut. reduce air whenever possible. However a guys got to eat a burger now and then.  He uses Miralax, Citrucel and uses a biscodyl mini enema (30cc) 2x aday. The gut still grows. Any ideas? ( We have used fleets basic enema, digital stimulation, bycodyl supp, glycerin supp)

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