It has been discussed on the list before, but I don't know if you were on or
not.  Several of us get those electrical 'zings', me included.  Neurontin
can help.  I started witn 3 a day then got it down to 1 a day.  They used to
say I was a complete, but now say incomplete.

I regained some movement in my right arm almost a year after my accident.
One day I yawned and my arm moved!  My mother saw it and got real excited.
I worked with that arm to strengthen it and see if anything else would come
back, but it stayed a C-5.  It has sure helped to have "that" much come back

I have not looked at your pics yet, but your house looks nice!  And it has
some good sized trees!  The last house I lived in had 2 big pine trees and 3
smaller shade trees just in the front yard--the only house in the
sub-division with shade!  The back yard had 3 trees, but weren't quite big
enough to give a lot of shade,but they helped!  The first thing my ex did
when we divorced was cut down half of the trees--the big pines were the
first to go. grrrrr!

Anyway, thought I would mention the Neurontin.             take care,

Dana and ?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] relationships- meeting people and overcoming the chair

> In a message dated 31/08/2004 17:55:20 GMT Standard Time,
> was only in London for a few days back in 2000.  Gees, that sucks to  have
> take the bus when the style Tube would be so much faster and more
>  Prior to my accident I traveled around to many different  places
> Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Irkursk Siberia), Kiev Ukraine, Korea,
> Japan, all  over Europe, and all over Mexico.  However, of course I wasn't
> necessarily watching for wheelchair accessibility at those times.  Since
> accident was just over a year ago I have not been outside of Minnesota in
> wheelchair either.
> One of the things I've thought about doing for my business is
> travel services for the mobility  impaired/wheelchair-bound.  Consequently
> my questions...
> By the way, I did just get my web site updated in the past few  weeks...
> Check it out at _WWW.Markfelling.com_ (
> Mark
> Hey Mark,
> Hey, how are you?  Did you enjoy London when you was there?  I'll  have to
> take some photo's of London and email them to you so you can get another
> of it all!  It's extremely annoying having to take the bus instead  of
> getting the tube, but hey that's life I guess!
> You sure have travelled some places haven't you?!  That totally  rocks!!!!
> What's been your favourite place that you've visited so  far?
> I like the ideas of your business, I get the feeling that if you was to
> it picked up and running that it would be a huge hit by far!  Have you
> considered doing it anymore lately?
> Thanks for the linkt oy our website, It's really cool from what I've seen
> it so far!!  I only skimmed it before but I hsall be going on there
> to take a better look at it!
> Take care,
> Love Smurf xxx

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