I personally think that they should go strictly by popular vote period and do away with electoral votes.  It should be as simple as candidate A got 58,000 (ex.) and B got 48,000. Then candidate A wins.  That simple.
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy yourself"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:23 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Electoral College... (Sorry Sherry)

Hi All,

You know... I been curious...

In an election as close as this one reportedly is, what do you think will happen if "Candidate A" gets the necessary 270 electoral votes but, no matter how many recounts are allowed, it turns out (in every recount), that "Candidate B" actually won the popular vote?

Do you think the system will change?  Be forced to change?  That people will eventually let it die and begrudgingly 'accept' Candidate A without organizing to change the system?

Is anyone here from Colorado?
* I'm curious about the proposition/measure on your ballot that will divide electoral votes based on numbers/percentages of votes cast for the candidate...rather than allowing a 49% -- 51% vote allow the 51% "winner" to take All 9 of the state's electoral votes.

* What do you think about it applying to THIS election?

* What about that the CO State Contitution says that The Legislature determines how votes are carried BUT this measure came to the ballot through the Voter Initiative Process rather than through any true Legislative Action by CO elected officials?

Is it OK if I stir up a hornets' nest here?  I can't participate much... but I love watchin' them suckers go at it!  LOL

Best to All!

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