I'm glad Mark saw you.  Just maybe it'll keep an email away from someone who accuses you of lying which clearly you aren't.  Good for you for speaking for a good cause from time to time.
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy yourself"
----- Original Message -----
From: Sherry
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote votevote

That would be me Mark..nice to see you again.
No telling where ya saw me, I've been around the block a few times on the tube...and various media's from then and since :)
How ya been btw? (((hugs)))
{{The best to you,}} Sherry 
' To be willing to March into Hell for a Heavenly cause"
Oddquads chat room http://pjj.cc/oddquads/
----- Original Message -----
From: QuadPirate
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 3:50 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote votevote

I remember now Sherry and believe I caught a piece of you speaking on tort reform about 2 years ago
I can't remember what I was watching but I do remember seeing it.
-------Original Message-------
From: Sherry
Date: Saturday, October 23, 2004 13:09:29
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote votevote
"I am both impressed and intrigued. May I inquire as to the field of expertise
from which you conveyed information of interest to that august body? This
forum is honored indeed, that you would share your thoughts and advice
with us."
Thank but no need to be,  I am just me.   I have been on q-list for going on 4 years or so now. I just pop in and out sporadically.
The other night, I saw my Quad List folder was full, and did a bit of catching up.
I lobby against tort reform.  As well as a few other citizen   rights issues.  In weeks of late, the powers that be have changed that heading to liability reform ..( I won't go into explaining why there :) )
Anyway, I am a victim of medical practice..( How I was injured)
Thus why.
"You offer compelling suggestions that suggest everyone might agree
on that which distinguishes fact from pablum."
I am surprised daily, that is usually not the case, especially TV ads.
" Indeed, I’m told that much
of the Legislature’s time is spent distinguishing the one from the other,.."

Again, only a few actually.  State wise they do  a bit moreso than federally.  The spin always comes from getting "their laws' passed regardless. ( one they sponsored, co-sponsored, promised..etc.)  Or re-elected.
But I thank you, and nice to meet you Boyd.

{{The best to you,}} Sherry
' To be willing to March into Hell for a Heavenly cause"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote votevote

On 10/21/04 4:22 AM, "Sherry"

I have traveled to Dc, spoken publicly to congress  many a time,
am a matter of record of the congressional library, and indeed,
have met both candidates.

I am both impressed and intrigued. May I inquire as to the field of expertise
from which you conveyed information of interest to that august body? This
forum is honored indeed, that you would share your thoughts and advice
with us.

        What rhetoric you may see in ads/ TV needs to be balanced with
thought. Facts, not pablum. Vote for whomever...But make it an
informed vote...on the things that really matter.

You offer compelling suggestions that suggest everyone might agree
on that which distinguishes fact from pablum. Indeed, I’m told that much
of the Legislature’s time is spent distinguishing the one from the other,
for they bring with them much of both.

Please continue to honor us with you excellent advice Sherry, as we
should very much appreciate hearing your views as often as possible.



{{The best to you,}} Sherry
' To be willing to March into Hell for a Heavenly cause"
OddQuads Chatroom http://pjj.cc/oddquads/
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 6:06 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote

Subject: vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote


He throws away someone else's medals.
He drives someone else's SUV.
He marries someone else's wife.
And he inherits someone else's money.
I think we should all vote for him to be president..........

of someone else's country.........


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