Yep, aging is the pits. I just turned 52, 33 yrs. post.

From: Lori Michaelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [QUAD-L] Wounds and skin problems
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 11:06:20 -0700

At Sunday 10/24/2004 05:59 PM, you wrote:
I too am fighting a wound guys. Actually, three of them. Ankle, knee, butt. They get no worse but get no better either. Over a year now. Protein shakes, vitamins, and wet-to-dry. I am at a loss. Larry

Hi Larry,

Sorry to hear of yours too. Got my wound closed up but, since then, skin problems in that area have gone awry. Seepy skin (which cortisone bream helped - thank God) and last night ... petikia (sp?) around the wound area. So odd!

Aging sucks. I turned 40 July 30th and my 25 yr accident date was Oct 19th. No reasons for my problems except aging. hmmmmmmmmmmmm


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