I also have Haliburton stock.  This company has lost money with its contracts in Iraq.  This story trying to connect Haliburton with Bush is just a smokescreen by the Democrats.
Last year , they lost almost four dollars per share.  The stock has not done anything in the last several years. Get educated instead of listening to the liberal media.  -- Jimmy .
Chart Graphic

In a message dated  10/25/2004 9:04:24 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Thank You for the heads up on the Kerrys.  Hope that you can do the same with
the Haliburton Corporation which gets more money in one month then the
Heinz-Kerry makes in a lifetime.  Just where is all that money going. 
If Kerry is successful, you and I will hear the full story... and others. 
But that's life in America.  One day you are the bird... and the next you are
the worm.  lol

In a message dated 10/25/04 8:54:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Subject: Mrs. Kerry?

Following is a brief back round on Mrs. John Kerry . >>

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