Hi Smurf,
I agree with your statement, "I don't see that abortions are the same as IVF."  But what about the frozen embryos that are not used in the IVF clinics?  I'm just asking why so much attention is put on using embryos in research (to hopefully give someone a better life) and so little is being said about the 400,000 frozen embryos in IVF clinics that were reported in the US in 2002.  With that many unused embryos there will most certainly be some destroyed, but when an embryo is destroyed in research there are many voices sounding the moral and ethical alarms.

With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 28 Years Post
Texas, USA           

In a message dated 19/10/2004 21:07:50 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hi Smurf,
Regardless of who is elected President next month, here is an issue that needs to be examined.  If, as the American Life League, Inc. believes, an egg collected from a woman's body and then combined with a man's sperm and frozen is human life, or, as others believe, that the resulting frozen embryos are simply the seed that when inserted into the woman's body grows into a human life, the issue needs to be debated.  The voices now raised on all sides in the stem-cell research issue cannot ignore the useless destruction of hundreds of thousands of frozen cells each year while so much attention gets paid to some 60 cell lines.  Life, or potential life, either way these cells deserve a better ending than what they're getting now. 
Hi CtrlAltDel,
When it comes to IVF I have completely different views,  I don't see that abortions are the same as IVF, completely different in fact!
Personally I think that IVF is a really good idea, extremely good idea (although I do believe that the man should have some say in weather his sperm is used or not - there's been huge controversary about it over here) especially when it comes to SCIs.  Although the fact that some of the cells are wasted is bad.  If embryos and cells are taken then they should all be used - end of story.  Letting them go to waste is the same as letting someone die.  Why do some of them get wasted though?
Love Smurf xxx

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