Overall I think they did as best they could to fit her story into 2 hrs plus commercials.  I forgot about inflating/deflating the cuff on my trach that I had for nearly a year.  One forgotten item brought back for me.

I think the best part of the movie was the stress between mother & daughter when Brooke needed turning every 2 hours.  They slid the word decubitus in there so quickly (the reason for her turning often) that most would miss it or not have a clue.

If it were possible, I'd have liked to have seen more emphasis on her routine and family stresses.  The mom had to get up at 4:30 on the first day of school.  So do many other moms in average families.  No emphasis put on the fact that the entire morning time was spent mostly on Brooke's care.  And how it was her mom doing nearly EVERYTHING.  No advocates for care, no doctor problems, etc etc etc

Did you read at the end whereby the parents were "reunited?"  -- implying separation or divorce.  Not covered in the movie but a big issue!

Can't cover everything though and appeal to all audiences.  She went from age 11-17 in a split second too.  "The adjustment years."  REAL nitty gritty.


At Tuesday 10/26/2004 12:55 PM, you wrote:
Hi All,
   I thought when I signed on to read posts from the q-list, that it would be dominated by the Brook Ellison movie. I was EXTREMELY touched by the movie, and was impressed how a vent quad was depicted. Even though I'm C 5,6 I got a better perspective of how much more challenging it is with a higher level SCI.
  It also flooded me with memories of my family, how each adjusted in their own way and time. And when they showed the seen when she first entered the rehab, WOW did THAT bring back emotions of 31 years ago.
  Yes, it did make the mom look as though she did EVERYTHING herself for ALL those years, which WE all know is quite impossible. But over all, I loved the movie.
  What did all you think, that saw it, of how it was portrayed? Did it bring back memories for any of you guys?

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