You are right.  The people that voted for Bush, especially in Ohio, voted on moral grounds and not on the economy.  I am pretty upset about it myself, but what can we do.  Bush has to face a lot of very angry democrats right now and needs to realize that he needs to do more.  The Senate however has many democrats in it and now will affect the bills that are getting signed. I don't see a lot of Bush's ideas getting through them.  People were saying that they don't think that Kerry would be able to take over in the middle of a war, but the people voted many democrats into office. I find some peace in that. I'm so glad the election is over and we can get back to quad related stuff. I’m so sick of hearing about this election.  It's not you all. It's mainstream media, friends, family, etc.  I just say it's only 4 more years and I can only pray that good ol' Jed doesn't run next.  It would be more like an Empire than a democracy at that point.
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy yourself"
----- Original Message -----
To: quad
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 2:17 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] election

> I hate this country right now. Regardless of what some of the JERKS on
> this list may want to believe, the election was again stolen by the
> BUSH EMPIRE.  Today, I  went for a CAT SCAN and it was all I could do
> to even talk to the people there.  This is election is a PERSONAL
> indictment against GLB people, as you may or may not know many so
> called Christians voted solely because of their fear of ME AND MY
> PARTNER.  Based on what they feel are their VALUES.  How could people
> not give a crap about the WAR, Economy, social security, health care
> and social justice, in favor of keeping my partner from receiving
> rights to have access to me in the hospital, our house if I die, my
> funeral, paid family medical leave if I get sick and so forth ?  How
> can I not HATE so called Christian Americans?  I really think Jesus
> was a cool guy and I believe he would NOT support the current war
> criminal we call president.  Bush has started a culture war not unlike
> those in most Islamic counties, ironic isn't it?

> River

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