If you're going for a real flat tax with only charitable contribution 
deductions, it would work if they set the bottom at 25% of everything 
over $50,000 (ex kerry only paid something like 16% last year due to 
all the write-offs and loopholes). Businesses would still need a way to 
deduct real expenses like R&D and equipment etc, but advertisement 
expenses shouldn't be allowed for drug companies etc, and no company 
should be able to deduct more than 10% of their gross for the same.
As another reform, lets eliminate tax exemptions for 527s (if they got 
any), set a max for campaign finance, and give networks a set tax break 
for political spots, but they must supply EVERY candidate with equal 
time. Debates should include third parties and be arbitrated by a true 
neutral party, (the debates this year were so biased it was a sham). 
CEO's shouldn't make more than 10X the lowest paid employee.
Corporations shouldn't be allowed to own sports teams as a tax write 
How am I doing so far?
> It just doesn't seem that complicated.
> Why shouldn't everyone pay the same, that seems like the way it 
should be
> any ways.
> Mark 
> -------Original Message-------
> From: Jim Lubin
> Date: Sunday, November 07, 2004 14:34:39
> To: QuadPirate; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] election
> Something we agree on, a flat tax. I say around a 35% flat tax for 
> and exempt the first $100,000. That sound fair to me. Only deductions 
> for charitable contributions to encourage giving. There can even be an
> option to pay more to the government. During the campaigning I saw 
> Hollywood people saying they didn't need a tax break. Fine if they 
want to
> pay more than 35% of their income to the government then they can. 
> At 11:19 AM 11/7/2004, QuadPirate wrote:
> This tax subject and over hauling it should be easier than they say, 
> just have a flat tax for everyone
> but then his rich voters would come unglued. I'm so tired of these 
> people getting all the breaks and have everything they'll ever need 
and more
> but they think they should pay less than people that have nothing and 
> continue to let this happen because they are the people paying for 
> campaigns and the tax cut is their payoff.

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