It must be a parent thing because I was in the hospital for 8 months after I got sick.  That was only because I was that sick and spent extra time in rehab because I didn't want to go back to living with my parents.  I'm not proud, just have my reasons.  I'm getting surgery so I can cath through my belly button.  I won't have to wear a catheter all the time anymore and also hopefully not as many infections.  My Mom is so worried about it and at first didn't want me to do it until I convinced her it would be so much better for me health wise.
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy yourself"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2004 7:53 PM
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Foley

My son who is a C4/C5 incomplete for 6 years just had a super-pubic cath
inserted. I tried to talk him out of it for awhile because I was concerned
with the surgery. Since he was in the hospital for 5 months after his
accident with a collapsed lung, pancreatitis and sepcis I just developed an
allergy to hospitals and did no want him cut or stuck anymore. (Forgive me,
I'm sure you all have your own stories.) But he made up his mind. Danny was
having urinary infections about every month to a month in a half. He also
experience a clogged cath almost every week. The nurses at the hospital
where he rehabiltated taught us to care for him and we both got pretty
skillful at changing his cath. The super-pubic cath was inserted last
spring. So far no infections and no clogs. We take him to his urologist once
a month to have it changed, but the nurses change the cath. Perhaps this
would be good for your friend? This was one time I'm glad my son did not
listen to me.


>Subject: [QUAD-L] Foley
>Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 18:12:53 EST
>I have a friend that I visit in the hills of Pennsylvania every fall.
>He has been using an indwelling Foley for 28 years. Those with indwelling
>Foleys know of the erosion of the skin that occurs after using an
>indwelling.  His is extensive.
>Although still using the foley, he is having problems with urine leakage
>bleeding from the constant irritation.
>What choses might he have?  He lives in a rural area and probably would
>to go
>to a large city or even New York State to get to a GOOD doctor,

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