Hi Loren,
That is a great letter, but in my opinion I wouldn't threaten them with a lawyer just yet.  I'm sorry you have to go through that.  I think those laws are under your governor because in my state, I can still hire my own
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy yourself"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 8:10 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Big problems in Florida with spinal cord injury Medicaid waiver program


Has anyone else had problems with this program, the brain and spinal cord injury Medicaid waiver program funded through Medicaid?  Previously I could hire anyone I wanted and have them paid retroactive from the day that the director in Tallahassee signed their paperwork which usually took three days.  They then eliminated that so that I had to pay them out of my pocket for three to four months until they obtained a Medicaid provider number.  Now at the beginning of November they made it mandatory that I receive my care thru a nursing agency.  Please read the letter below:


In October I would often forget that I had a disability while maintaining my chair on two citizen organizational boards and being an active supporter of a local spinal cord injury group.  My life was full of activities going to parks, concerts, festivals, swimming at the local pool where there is a wheelchair lift, training for two weeks for a service dog in Atlanta, a one day trip to Miami for a doctor's visit, one day later a trip to Tampa for a new wheelchair. My life was full, active, and looking like there was a great future still ahead of me.

Today I am a shut-in!  What happened?  I broke my neck 24 years ago that is certainly not the immediate problem. I have lived as a quadriplegic independently for 24 years. So what changed?  We have the same president does that have anything to do with my change in citizenship?  Somewhere in a huge bureaucratic system supposedly on a federal level in Washington someone made a decision.  A someone I cannot locate!

In October I would hire my own personnel to provide my care that could sustain me in my own home and drive me to places in my own vehicle 24 hours a day seven days a week.  I would screen them, train them, and fire them when necessary.  I lived an independent life that was as normal and as full as I could possibly make it.  Medicaid kindly paid these people $2700 per month. I added another $500 and provided one a home. Change has occurred.  The decision was made that my care would have to be provided by a nursing agency.  For $4664 per month providing eight hours of care per day with an extra two the every other day.  I will allow you to work out the math on that one after all it is your tax dollar.

This month I have no one to take me to a park not even to do my grocery shopping.  My new van equipped for wheelchair transportation sets idle in the driveway.  The Aids from the agency cannot drive my van.  I must be in bed by 9:30 PM when the aid who comes at 5:30 departs leaving me alone through the night lying in one position unable to even roll over what less remove myself from bed or the house in an emergency.  Pressure sores are a guarantee. Quadriplegics suffer from a condition where in any noxious stimuli (such as lying in one position to long) can cause our blood pressures to rise drastically resulting in stroke, heart attack, blindness, and death as did the former Superman. At 8 AM another Aid is supposed to arrive to give me breakfast, shower me, dress me, provide personal care, and place me in my wheelchair. She then departs at noon leaving me alone until 5:30 PM.  There is also a nurse who comes every other day for two hours to provide another part of my personal care at 8:00 in the morning.  Including weekends there will be at least six different people involved in my care.

My new service dog who has been with me for one month must be returned as I cannot keep him in good conscience as he will not receive proper care that such a valuable dog deserves or any dog for that matter.  He has already been subjected to verbal abuse by one Aid. It has taken nine years to get this companion and all-around helper.  He is an absolutely beautiful dog that I have come to love greatly.  All this has been a very frustrating, exasperating, and heartbreaking experience.  I am left with the feeling that my life has just ended.

Are Medicaid and the healthcare industry along with our government plotting to force me into a nursing home or just kill me outright from neglect?

I am looking for others who may be involved in a similar situation to form a coalition for a class-action suit or other action that may be appropriate.  Also for lawyers that are appropriate for the situation.


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