It clearly states in the paragraph you posted:
"Many scientists feel, however, these cells(talking about adult stem cells)do not have as great a potential to become a tissue type other than that from which they are taken, making them less viable as potential treatments for disease."
So there's my answer.
I really question this case of one woman and no other international group has investigated this so far and even they are saying "Though they cautioned that more research was needed and verification from international experts was required, the South Korean researchers said Hwang's case could signal a leap forward in the treatment of spinal cord injuries."
This is hopefully going to do great things but you don't stop all research because they may or may not have what they're looking for.
You know I was reading about Stand Tall & Sit Tall and good rehab can get you walking a few steps and can do it quite quickly if you have the right candidate so I have to question the results because in these projects they get the same results from intensive rehab which I'm sure she went through.
I've yet to hear them say this woman can feel her legs or anything below injury yet and that concerns me too.
Has anyone heard anything on this besides the internet?
I really want to see these results.
-------Original Message-------
From: Jim Lubin
Date: Friday, December 03, 2004 11:35:53 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Researchers Make Stem-Cell Breakthrough
Mark, the main argument in that article dated Jan 3, 2003, is this paragraph:
Those who object to the use of embryonic stem cells have pushed for a shift to adult stem cells, which can be obtained from adults without harming the person. Many scientists feel, however, these cells do not have as great a potential to become a tissue type other than that from which they are taken, making them less viable as potential treatments for disease.
But the research in Nov 2004 from South Korea has shown that adult stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood have helped a paralyzed South Korean woman walk again.

At 08:46 AM 12/3/2004, QuadPirate wrote:
I'm glad they're funding this research also Jim but the NIH supports research from IVF also only the Bush administration is holding them and scientist back and scientist have even been limited on the 78 lines approved.
Experts: Bush Stem Cell Policy Limits NIH
NewsMax Wires
Friday, Jan. 3, 2003

Those who object to the use of embryonic stem cells have pushed for a shift to adult stem cells, which can be obtained from adults without harming the person. Many scientists feel, however, these cells do not have as great a potential to become a tissue type other than that from which they are taken, making them less viable as potential treatments for disease.

Jim Lubin              
Bothell, WA, USA
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