Hi DD,
I think this was sent to me by mistake so I'm sending it on.  I hope the day is getting better for you!
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 28 Years Post
Texas, USA

In a message dated 12/4/2004 4:03:05 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I am laying in bed bored to tears trying to heal the pressure sores on my backside
i gale,
my daughter was just here to pick up the grand baby & i'm ticked off and 'bummin' because words were said simply because she has no sense of humor so things turned a bit ugly, (her words). then i turn on my computer, read your post and realize 'things can always be worse!)
sorry to hear your on your belly, hope your sore heals soon.

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