I noticed that I have discomfort when my stool is loose also.  I have no ideas as to about why
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy yourself"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 12:49 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] bowel pain, hate to ask

In a message dated 11/18/2004 7:35:09 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Incomplete SCI at C5, almost 11 years post. About a year or so ago
I've started developing a burning pain in my lower bowels/colon. Feels
like pouring salt on an open wound. Sometimes it lasts for a couple of
hours, sometimes the entire day. It's usually worst when it wakes me
up about three o'clock in the morning. I have a bowel movement every
other day, sometimes the pain is there the day after a movement,
sometimes the day before. I also started having a lot of gas, which
caused a lot of temporary pain when it passed. However, started taking
SIMETHICONE a few weeks ago which seems to have helped with the gas,
but the pain is worse than ever. The pain also seems to be worse when
I have loose stool. I thought maybe it was hemorrhoids, but the person
that takes care of my bowel program (suppository) assures me it's not,
that she would be able to tell if I had hemorrhoids. Has anyone else
experienced anything like this? I've been reading about syringomyelic
cysts, any possibility that could be the cause? Would greatly
appreciate any advice.

i blow up like a balloon in the afternoon and evening.  it's all gas but it hurts like hell.  i'm sure something in that area will eventually take my life - being as irregular as i am just can't be good for a long life.  any laxatives cause more pain but without them i set up like concrete.

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