Looks like the eds things they use in the hospital

On 12/14/04 8:19 PM, "Stuntman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Howdy
> Saw them on TV for $40-$60.
> http://www.inventionchannel.com/product/product.jsp?productID=2
> stuntman
>> HI  Smurf,
>> Sorry it has taken me a few  days to get back to you and the others
> that had 
>> some questions, but right after  posting, I came down with a heck of
> kidney 
>> infection.Why is it with us that when  we go in with one problem we
> can end up 
>> with a kidney problem in the end ??  After suffering through bactrum
> and 
>> cranberry juice is it finally getting  better.
>> Over the past 2 years I  have had 7 rounds of botox  injections in
> both legs. 
>>  The first 2 were  very painful and I wore dynasplints on both legs
> and the 
>> splints were nothing  but torture.
>>  I changed doctors and  he also changed my medications that was
> helping my 
>> pain so I agreed to attempt  Botox again. I was wearing  lidocaide
> patches on my 
>> legs for pain  control and it did seem to help, so when he did the
> botox 
>> injection he  added lidocaine .  He was concerned about my legs
> because he 
>> couldn't get  any reaction on the emg,  so he  was having trouble
> finding active  
>> nerve activity.  The last session I went in he said he wanted to
> take  a pen and 
>> make points where I told him  I hurt and he would shoot deep  trigger
> points. 
>>  He injected very deep areas.  I was told I didn't  want to see the
> needle.  
>> I had no relief at all from that session. I  am very glad I tried ,
> botox 
>> because I did get some relieve at times, will  I go through it again,
> I don't 
>> think so.  When I was in the hospital they  put pneumatic compression
> boots on me 
>> that felt like I was getting a gentle  massage.For the first time, it
> made my 
>> legs feel soft and removed pain, but the  bummer is they  cost on the
> low end 
>> $800 neither Medicare or Medicaid pays  for it.  I have read where it
> says 
>> Medicare will, but 2 representatives  says no.  I have located
> where ,  it should
>> have been approved 2001,  so I am not through discussing it.  If I
> decide to 
>> buy it I will go  directly yo the company and not the area corner
> store to cut 
>> out the middle  man.
>> Kathy in  Mississippi

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