You are so fortunate to have him.  I have 2 parents that love me but neither in a position for me to go with them if anything were to happen to me. My Mom is an only child so no extended family over there and adopted by my Dad when I was 2.  I really don't have much of a relationship with any of them. I have a relationship with his brother and his wife.  My cousins are still teenagers.   I'm in Maryland, they are in Penn.   Family just wasn't an option for me when I got out of the hospital.  I was in rehab a total of just about 7 months to learn to live on my own.  That was just inpatient. I had another couple of months of outpatient after that.  Most of my friends didn't stick around.  The guy that I was dating didn't bother.  We weren't that serious since we had just started dating, but I haven't seen him since.  I have made one new true friend since my illness.  I have brothers, but my younger one counts of me more than I can ever count on him. He is so irresponsible and is always in legal problems.  I have an older brother that I haven't talked to in almost 2 yrs. He gets weird a lot and cuts himself off from everyone.  I have a half brother that I didn't even know until I was 23. I'm 30 now. We have a good relationship but I can't expect him to take me in if anything were to happen.  Dating is pretty much a no go these days so no man to count on.  I'm not feeling sorry for myself, but those of you in relationships, have children, and or a support system of family and many friends are so fortunate.  I am happy with my accomplishments, but I did them by myself for the most part. I cried almost everyday in the hospital b/c I thought I was never going to live normally again, because I couldn't do what a lot of newly spinal cord injured do and live with my family until I got better enough to live alone.  I had to go from hospital to living on my own without the transition.  Hardest thing I have ever gone through and  probably the hardest thing I will ever have to go through in my life.
Just want to make it clear that I in no way am feeling sorry for myself b/c of the adversity  I have had to overcome aside from my illness.  Has only made me stronger, but I still long for the tight bonds that other people have with a partner.
----- Original Message -----
To: Quad
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Social life

 It's VERY hard to find true blue friends anymore.  People just seem to not want to take the time to invest all it takes to take on the burdens, risks & responsibilities that REAL BONDING FRIENDSHIPS require.
One person I know who'd fit the bill is my best friend from high school.  While she did go on her way with getting an unwanted pregnancy and marriage ... we've been again in contact although now 3000 miles away.  She went thru all my hospital stay (over a yr) with me & my family.  And we were tight before my accident.
We had a long talk one night on friendships and she too feels the same although she's made one or two close friends since moving to Milford, PA ummmmm 15+ yrs ago.  If it weren't frigid there and she lived closer to medical care ... I might move.
I just found out this past week (during a visit w/ my eldest sister) that if something were to happen to my husband she wouldn't/couldn't do anything more than help me into an asst living facility.  Been there, did thanks!  Now I see where my REAL family values are :-(  I only have 2 sisters.  Parents both deceased.  Aunts, Uncles are either dead or decrepit.  Cousins are only acquaintences.
I grew up with my parents & grandparents owning their own businesses in a small town.  They both had hundreds of friends because of both criteria.  Our house was NATURALLY Grand Central Station or The Dew Drop-Inn but with people known for dozens of yrs.  That's all gone now.
I am extremely envious of so many I know who have offspring and thus extended family.  Just me & my husband this past T-day and upcoming Christmas.  He's all I'm thankful for.
C4/5 quad
Tucson, AZ
-------Original Message-------
From: Greg
Date: 12/22/04 19:23:05
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Social life
I never found real friends at support groups, etc.
My only real friends have been neighbors and friends of my families, people I can see often, not having to rely on someone to take me. But for many many years I couldn't find any, though had many sort of friends, what changed was me. I never use to initiate it, to call them, ask them over, not wait for them. No one wants to be the one to ask all the time...
----- Original Message -----
From: Ed Awe
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 4:14 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Social life

I have been injured 10+ years and in that time have been unable to develop true friendships.  A high level c4/5 quad I am dependent on an aid for personal care, driving etc.  I have joined support groups, local disabled associations and the like but have not had any luck beyond informal acquaintances, though of my history of skin problems, health and availability of my aide to assist/ drive has also hindered participation somewhat.  


Any advice or views?




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