That is great news Dave.  Good luck with the van.  I'm sure everything will work out just fine.  I hope that you put a blanket and gloves in there for warmth just in case.  As far as the battery goes, I'm sure you have thought of carrying a set of jumper cables with you.  I was told to carry cables that are lass than 8 gauges. 
Happy driving,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 8:37 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] the bionic man

I drove my van for the 1st time today.  I had a transfer seat, hand controls, and door opener installed.  The xfr seat is a bit awkward to use but the other stuff is way cool.  It goes up/down, back/fwd, and turns up to 90 degrees.  Sliding over and back is a pain but my driving will be the exception anyway.  I don't mind being chauffeured.  There are 4 magnetic switches in my tail light housing to operate the door and lift.   Up, Down, Stow, and Close.   A battery is now much more critical to my survival - oh joy.  More mechanical crap that can kill me.  Stranded in a dark van in June, July, or August in Phoenix is no place to be.  I'll be keepiong my cell phone very handy from now on.
The moral flabbiness born of the bitch goddess Success. That- with the squalid cash interpretation put on the word success- is our national disease.  -William James  1906

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