I drove and practiced already.  I'm just a little nervous about such a big vechicle.  I have to back on to a road to get out of my driveway. The driveway  isn't very wide and I share it with my neighbors.  They park on the side of the drive way.  The road isn't high in traffic but it's the main road that goes back and then is the entrance to other neighborhoods. I live on the side of the road and not in a neighborhood.  I also live at the end of a pretty sharp curb.  I have to admit that I am nervous about that.  When I did my driving hours, I met him at the vocational rehab office.  Luckily there aren't many 2 lane roads that are curvy and I live in a flat area so there are pretty much no hills at all.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Buying a van

My instructor told me that I should be able to drive after a 35 hour course.  Well, like I said before, I never had trouble driving anything before but I was intimidated with all the electronics.  Including the hours that it took them to set up the controls for me so I can drive it only took me 15 hours total to learn how.  When I had to parallel park, I did it the very first time with absolutely no troubles whatsoever.  The biggest suggestion I can tell you is to make it easy on yourself.  Drive the rough roads, up and down any hills and make sure you drive the curvy roads has long as you have your instructor with you.  Also, go practice driving on a Sunday morning where there is very little traffic.  This way you'll get to learn how the vehicle handles and what you can and cannot do without the pressure of traffic.  Another thing I did, was to make a sign that I glued to the back window saying "HANDICAPPED DRIVER PLEASE BE PATIENT" so the people would quit blowing their horns.  Since I have put the sign up nobody has tailgated me or blown their horns at me.  I cannot stress enough that you must challenge yourself and make it difficult time yourself so when you do get out into traffic and the real world driving you can handle the vehicle.  I wish you the best of luck.

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