In a message dated 1/19/2005 1:38:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I guess Iâm a cold quad it seems like Iâm always cold. But I canât do heat good either. I had heat stroke a few times, its easier 4 me 2 warm up than 2 cool down. In the summer I have 2 be real careful drink fluids, keep a wet washcloth near, spray bottle, ice or cold pax. And itâll hit me fast and hard Iâm fine 1 minute than just fall over drained of all energy. I was coming across the parking lot last summer than just couldnât push anymore, couldnât even situp in my chair. Had 2 get someone 2 push me home call my agency, pack ice bags on neck, groin area itâs funny what youâll ask a stranger 2 do in dire emergencies. Iâd love 2 move down south in the future, I can deal with the cold but canât stand the snow anymore, I can dress warm but getting around in snow is DAMN near impossible at times :(

...i'm tellin ya Houston, moving to Fla was the smarest thing i ever quality of life shot up a 1000% coz while there's some cold days, it's never crazy cold or dangerous driving conditions...i would be stuck inside up there many months out of year.  I'm really thinkin about when i get my house paid off in a few years that i'll build a wheelchair accessible rental unit on to the house and rent to a chair-person that's interested in escaping y\the snow...i'll keep you in mind


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