from: The White Donkey Society
       January 26
, 2005










If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost. That is where they should be. Now put the foundation under them.
--Henry David Thoreau


"Wisdom is supreme; therefore make a full effort to get wisdom. Esteem her and she will exalt your; embrace her and she will honor you."           --Proverbs 4:7-8


I will prepare and some day my chance will come. - Abraham Lincoln

"The best inheritance a person can give to his children is a few minutes of his time each day." - O. A. Battista

 "A poor man is not the one without a cent. A poor man is the one without a dream."--Henry Ford
Because God is everywhere, you can pray anywhere.  --Unknown

You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was.  --Irish Proverb




How Does This Yearâs Tsunami Compare With Other Major Natural Disasters
Deaths         Event         Location         Year
3,700,000     Flood         China          1931
300,000     Cyclone       Bangladesh     1970
255,000     Earthquake     China         1976
150,000+     Tsunami       South Asia     2004
143,000     Earthquake     Japan         1923
139,000     Cyclone       Bangladesh     1991
100,000     Tsunami      Japan         1703
70,000         Tsunami      Portugal       1755
50,000         Earthquake     Iran              1990
31,000         Earthquake     Iran              2003
Sources: World Almanac, U.S. Geological Survey, Associated Press



Ice "the best topically applied anti- inflammatory agent ever invented

That's some strong praise for frozen water, but it turns out that good ol' ice does the job incredibly well.
When you're injured, your body responds by going into protective mode and swelling in the area of the injury. However, sometimes the body doesn't know when to stop swelling -- that's where ice comes in. When a cold pack is applied to your skin, it "acts to slow down metabolism at the injury site, so your body can begin healing itself more quickly." Ice also acts as an analgesic to slow down and block pain impulses.

 Icing an injury:
* Slows the inflammation and swelling that occurs after injury. Most back pain is accompanied by some type of inflammation, and addressing the inflammation also helps reduce the pain.
* Helps to relieve the pain by numbing sore tissues (like a local anesthetic).
* Slows the nerve impulses in the area, which interrupts the pain- spasm reaction between the nerves.
Ice should be applied soon after the injury occurs. The coldness makes the veins in the tissue contract, which reduces circulation in the area. After the cold compress is removed, the veins overcompensate and dilate. Once that happens, the blood rushes into the area and brings with it the nutrients necessary to heal the injured area.
 The best method of recovery after a minor muscle or ligament injury is the famous RICE method -- rest, ice, compression, and elevation




Linda and Jill were chatting over coffee. Said Linda, "I've been experiencing a strange and painful side effect from coffee.  I'm fine when I drink it black, but if I use cream, or sugar, or both, I get a stabbing pain in one eye."  Linda took a sip of her coffee.  "Oww!" she cried.  "There it goes again!"                                                                                                                                                                               Said Jill, "Take the spoon out of the cup." 


A pastor was leaving his area and was saying farewell to his congregation at the Church doors for the last time. He shook the hand of an elderly lady as she walked out. She said "Your successor won't be as good as you."
"Nonsense", said the pastor, in a flattered tone.
"No, really", said the old lady, "I've been here under five different ministers, and each new one has been worse than the last."


The story is told of a man who was walking across the road when he
was hit by a car.  The impact knocked him on his head which caused him
to be in a coma for two days before he finally regained consciousness.
When he opened his eyes, his loving wife was there beside his bed.  He
held her hand and said to her:
     "You know, Judy, you've always been right by my side.  When I was a  struggling college student, I failed again and again.  But you were
always there with me, encouraging me to go on trying."
     She squeezed his hands as he continued:  "And when I got out of
school and went for all of my interviews and failed to get any of the
jobs, you stayed right there with me, cutting out more classifieds for
me to check on..."
     "Then I started work at this little firm and finally got the chance
to handle a big contract.  But I blew it because of one little mistake,
and yet you were there beside me all the way.  Then I finally got
another job after being laid off for sometime.  But I never seemed to be
promoted and my hard work was never recognized.  And so, I remained in  the same position from the day I joined the company until now... And, through it all, you were right there by my side."
     Her eyes brimmed with tears as she listened to her husband:  "And
now I've been in this accident and when I woke up, you're the first
person I see. There's something I'd really like to say to you...."
    She flung herself on the bed to hug her husband, sobbing with
    He said, "Judy, I think you're just plain bad luck!"


The tourist had lost his way on a back road and stopped at the farmhouse to ask if he could be put up for the night. 'Well, we're a mite crowded, since there's already someone in the spare room,' replied the farmer. 'But I guess you can stay if you don't mind sharing the bed with a red haired schoolteacher.'
'Look,' said the tourist, 'I want you to know I'm a gentleman.'
'Well,' mused the farmer, 'as far as I can tell, so is the red haired schoolteacher





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