I hope the UTI wasn't too bad.  Good luck on getting more accessibility.  It is a never-ending battle and I wish you the best of luck.

Stuntman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Been very busy (UTI, VA Appointments, etc) and have often just replied
to a person instead of the list when I had a chance.
The only FOX news I see is their cable (FNC), and they made it a point
to not show the pics every hour for months on end (several shows never
used the pics). Ted (the drunk) Kennedy and Co. made fools of
themselves comparing the acts of humiliation to the Nazi tortures which
the "Liberal media" couldn't run often enough. But enough about 'old"
news. The Iraqi's voted, thumbing their noses at the foriegn insurgents
(TERRORISTS), and showed the world they are supporting change.

I'm just sick and tired of the way the media sensationalizes a few
select court cases (like M Jackson), and while I'd heard that Reid had
been sentenced, the judges comments should have been included. (And yes
FOX will be g! etting a letter from me)

Trying to get the State of IN to work towards building accessible
housing. We have a severe shortage. Been keeping up with the other
issues and have a stack of replies from my Representatives promising
support (we'll see).

Hang in there!

> Why is it always the "liberal media?" I believe Fox News cover just
about as much of the prison scandal as every other new source. In my
opinion, they definitely don't fit the mold of "liberal media."
> I think a simple answer is sensationalism. The pictures generated
more outrage, so the media tends to harp on things which provoke
outrage. You are right about the fact we should be just as outraged
about an American citizen (I believe he's an American citizen?)
committing an act of terrorism.
> Billy
> PS it is good to see you back Stuntman. You must be busy at home
> Stuntman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> It's true!
> http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/reid.asp
> The question is; "Why didn't the Liberal News Media give it at least
> small percentage of the same type of coverage as it gave the
> humiliation of the ABU prisioners"?
> Stunt
> > >> Remember the guy who got on a plane with a bomb built
> > >> into his shoe and tried to light it?
> > >> Did you know his trial is over?
> > >> Did you know he was sentenced?
> > >> Did you see/hear any of the judge's comments on
> > >> TV/Radio?
> > >> Didn't think so.
> Put in the snoopes link.
> > >> God bless America
> > >> Pass it on...............................everyone
> > >> should read this!
> > >>
> >
> >
> > Glenn A Henry
> >
> >
> > G.A.Henry Radio
> > 100 Mill Street
> > Washington Boro, Pa 17582
> > 1-888-217-8870
> >
> >
> >
> --
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