Hi Stacy....nice to hear your doing well to. Keep on em!!
The flap on your lift doesnt go down? OMG...lol....that is scary huh? A few times my chair has rolled forward when I clicked the joysticik to drive back into my old van.....rolling forward and hitting the flap. It has stopped me a every time but dang.....the thought of a 4 foot nosedive to a face full of cement, followed by a powerchair pile driver......is sooo scary!!  Can you see that??
lol....You know that scared feeling when you gasp for your last breath......yep that one. I hate that, but it can be funny if nothig bad happens. Thats one of those laws of fear, i think!! lol
You will make a great Social worker.
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Good to be back........

Sorry for the late reply Bob.  It's great to have you back. I have been going through a lot of adversity but also got enrolled into the University so I can finally put community college and gen ed classes behind me. I'm working on my major for social work.  I also got a van months ago.  A used one that needed a ton of work and still needs more.  I am hoping DORS will help pay for it but wont know til I am able to get it up there.  DORS here will only put money into a new van, but since it's already equipped for the most part, I'm hoping they will at least replace the lift that doesn't work well anymore, plus it isn't wide enough for my chair.  I keep getting wedged in it and can't get out.  The flap also doesn't go down when lowered.  The cut out on the floor behind the wheel needs to be widened a little but shouldn't be that much work.  I just got approved by the doctors at the DMV to take my test after waiting for over 6 months.  It couldn't have happened at a better time because I have been fighting with the transit since October when I started taking them.  What is happening for you lets me know that things finally do come together and I know that I wont have to fight so hard for the rest of my life.  I know there will be battles but this has been a full blown war. I'm so happy for you and I will get to that site of yours when I get time.  If I were your way, I'd be hitting you up for that lesson.
----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Hickey
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 10:42 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Good to be back........

Hi everyone,

    This is ol' b.hickey4.....

  I have not been on here since my old computer got eaten by the scam virus.
lol..... I think viruses are created by the darn anti-virus companies!! j/k

Anyway, Since then I have been keeping busy putting shoe leather to
dreams....(so to speak). My hair is getting gray and my eyes are burning
outta my head from looking at the computer so long but it is all soooo worth it.

  As some of you might remember I have been working with DVR for 5+ years
now, trying to become a "Mobile Archery Instructor".......well...I'm almost

The strars are finally ligning up! Full moon on my b-day this month, says
so! The new van is in town, being set-up.....see attached pic!! Its frickin
amazing! 2005' E-350 with a 9" Norcal
drop floor which allows me to pull all the way under the wheel! Now theres
no need for all the digital controls. I can now, manually reach and control
all functions and switches.
This means less $$, less maintenance, fewer things to go wrong, more physical and
safer because now im not sitting so far back n up so high. Great, all the
way around.

  My first attemp at a website is up and runnin as well! Check it out at

HTML, Frames, Frontpage, Photoshop, FTP's .......PCP's.......lol   That
stuff will drive a person bannanas!! All I know is my head hurts.....lol
Just kidding, its all kinda fun butt I cant

wait to be done.  haha  I still have tons of info, pics n videos yet to put
on my website. It is a work in progress but i'm opening my doors officially
in April so I'v got some time. I do

have 5 students now, 3 of them just won State events and the others are
making progress!! Its feels nice to see "I do" have something to contribute
and "I can" make a difference!!

  All that, plus the "reward" of working so hard, for so long thru all the
frustraion, the pain, the red tape and levels of buerocracy. The "reward",
is my FREEDOM!! Then, the sky is the

limit and I plan to settle on cloud 9!! 

  I want to thank everyone on the Quad-List for being here. When things got
rough.... you guys were always here. Now your here for the good part too!!
All the support and

just knowing there is always other people here, who understand and are
willing to help. Thats so cool. You all have helped me very very
much......THANK YOU!!

Now who needs some Archery lessons??   lol....j/k

Bob Hickey

C 4-5 89' Diving

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