Thats the way it worked for me, except I had private insurance that paid for
nearly everything.  After 2 years I was eligible for Medicare as my Primary
with my private picking up the rest.  When I reached the cap on my private I
had already been put on  a PCA program after being on the waiting list for 4
It took several years before I was able to comprehend the medicaid red tape,
but with a very good case worker who was finally able to be able to explain
it.  Even then it took a few more years before I was able get the
"quarterly" requirement thing down.

But now everything is covered  nicely, I get my PCA money, I get homemaker
services--I don't ask, my case worker did not tell me how--I have a cushion
that finally works, figured out that I need to lay flat in bed, so my skin
is finally "not" a problem!

Now I need to find a replacement for an attendant that will probably be
spending some time in prison as she stole my ID!  Fortunately it was caught
soon enough that I only personally was taken for $100.  And I shred
"everything!!  Seems she has a record back in Philadelphia too, but the
officer working on the case did not seem to think they would want her back.
She was pregnant when I hired her, took a couple of days off for a
DNC--guess that was when she had the baby--then came back to work as if
nothing had happened!  I never knew or noticed anything in that
area.  In hindsite it does explain a few times she came and was very hot
and had a difficult time getting the job done.

She was very dependable, always picked up extra hours when someone else
wanted off. Never missed worked. Was good at her job--she got me up on the
weekend mornings, did supper M-F and put me to bed M,T, &W nights. It will be hard to replace her.

One time I asked for a background check just for the heck of it from the
Independant Living Center that handles the payroll etc.--2 months later it
came in the mail.  The police will not do it.

I have since been told not to hire anyone who I do not get a copy of a state wide background check that the person is su;pposed to send an information sheet and $5 in to have done. I had not looked at that paper at all, so did not know I was supposed to get a copy of it. I thought they were not supposed to get paid unless the person had done this. ( the independant living center is now considering that) It includes a zerox of their SS number and drivers license. If I had waited for that to be done, I'm not sure I would have hired her. And in another hindsite, I doubt she sent that in, altho the only record she seemed to have was in Philadelphia.

Her arrest was in the paper and all she was charged with was 2 counts of misuse of a credit device. Her bail was $5500. That will be a slap on the hands! So she is out on bail and will probably skip town. If she does that at least all I have to do is show up to court and if she does not, I win and a warrent goes out for her. I am still waiting for a warrent to catch another person I took to court about 4 years ago and she did not show up. So much for warrents! ugh.

I do not know how to keep this from happening again, tho. The 2 people still working for me and have been for years, can't do it all. Then there are the homemakers that buy my groceries. I give them a check. I suppose could just start using my debit card.
So anyway--be as careful as you can be! take care,

----- Original Message ----- From: "Stacy Harim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>; "Julie A Napper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] anniversary/medicaid

I don't know. I have been getting disability all along. I have been getting attendant care services all along and I am surprised you aren't getting Medicare already since you are getting SSI. I am on the waiver program in maryland. I started getting medicare after 2 yrs on disability. My brother gets ssdi and started getting medicare right away. With the waiver I automatically got medicaid and when I switched to medicare, medicaid picked up the extra that medicare didn't cover.

----- Original Message ----- From: Julie A Napper<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 3:24 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] anniversary/medicaid

Hi Stacy,

 So, if someone is switched from SSI to Disability, then will they go from
 Medicaid to Medicare?  If so, how will that affect their attendant care?

 Julie C4-5  27 yrs post

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 14:53:30 -0500 "Stacy Harim"
> Well I was literally days away from a nursing home coming from rehab.
> I had been fighting for housing for months before I knew when I was
> going to be discharge. I took time to find all the things that I
> would be eligible for so I could live on my own. I found out how to
> get rental assistance, Medicaid, but if your on disability you get
> Medicare and can apply for Medicaid to pick up the difference. I
> got food stamps, electric assistance, and attendant care. I am
> barely making it but I am not in a nursing home. Mark worked to get
> himself out of one and there are a couple of other people on the
> list that are in nursing homes or there were not that long ago. I
> don't think they post much. None of use deserve to be in a nursing
> home. That is partly why that I am going to school for social work.
> I want to help keep disabled adults out of them.
> Stacy
> ----- Original Message ----- > From: dave
headman<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 2:10 PM
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] anniversary
> been in a nursing home since 99.
> around here if you don't have family or money to fill in the void
> of
> coverage the government supplies, you get incarcerated.
> >From: "Stacy Harim"
> >To:
<<<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<>>>,
> headman"
> >Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] anniversary
> >Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 13:14:40 -0500
> >
> >Dave,
> >
> >I completely agree with you. I wanted to shake the people that
> told me
> >that. How long have you been in a nursing home? Why do you have
> to be
> >there? That is if you don't mind sharing the info.
> >
> >Stacy
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: dave
> > To:
><<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<<<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
> > Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 12:22 PM
> > Subject: [QUAD-L] anniversary
> >
> >
> > my sci anniversary was feb 19th my 26th year being stuck in
> this body.
> > i've heard a lot of you weigh in about the movie "million
> dollar baby"
> > i think the message is right on the money. i think i am the
> only list
> >member
> > thats actually in a nursing home, i see a lot of people that
> need a
> >visit
> > from clint eastwood. when you have family, friends,spouses and
> or a
> > job your outlook on life might be a little brighter.
> > and if i hear that bullshit line "everything happens for a
> reason" or
> >"gods
> > will" my head will explode.
> >
> > dave headman
> > c4 26yrs post
> >
> >
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