I agree, there are 2 sides to this story. Plus my emotions and 'my' opinion goes both ways. "I" think it would be a horrendous way to live. Because she is in the news a lot, the nurses and aides probably give her special care so she has no signs of poor care which is rampant in so many nursing homes. I do not know if she has had pressure sores etc, but I imagine that many people in similar situations, but are 'not' in the lime light, get by with minimal care and unless family is there often, don't get a lot of attention.

Getting the government involved is a baaad thing! The way they screw things up now, they do not need to be involved with personal issues!

----- Original Message ----- From: "B. Kimberlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <quad-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2005 5:58 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Terri S- and her feeding tube


If Terri's parents had not disagreed with the husband's decision to act on his wife's verbal (and none of us will ever really know whether she really said this are not) wishes, then this would not even be an issue for the courts or Congress. As I have said on this list at least four times, personal decisions like this are made by victim's families hundreds, if not thousands of times a year. My mother's family decided not to sustain the life of my grandfather, who is in a very similar situation, some years back. They knew he did not want to live that way and they could not bear to see their father being a mere shell of himself.

Like Tod, I am unable to definitively take sides in this case. I am not the husband, parents or Terri and therefore I do not feel it would be fair of me to judge anyone member of the families involved here. Living in Tampa, I am bombarded with this from all sides and I truly feel for her parents and on the other hand I sympathize for the husband. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just don't see how people that are currently on feeding tubes, that are either cognizant of their surroundings or have guardians which want them to live, would be affected by this decision.

I am more disturbed about the potential violation of constitutional rights by our United States Congress. The end around move (the issuing of a Congressional subpoena) that the leaders of the House tried to use yesterday, in an effort to delay the implementation of a Florida State court order was absolutely horrendous. This is the real slippery slope.


Just my opinion. I could be wrong.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In a message dated 3/19/05 3:23:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

My only point is that Terri is more alive than anything in a petri dish.

Terri is alive and reactive. But what is more important is for those
thousands of people who are surviving with G-Tubes (feeding tubes) and are probably
if the government allows just one person to die, they all risk the same
actions if Medicaid or Medicare should ever run out of money.
Today, many state governments are now closing mental health wards in their
states and sending residents to other locations, as a means to save money and
budget cuts.
What will be the next step. Kinda scares ya ..... doesn't it?

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