I've had an indweling foley for 25 yrs.  Never leaks unless plugged or kinked.
I've considered the SP but probably never will.  And for those who do intermitent ...
Hats off to you!  A)  I need straight 8,9 or 10 hrs of sleep]
                            B)  I'm out and about too much
                            C)  Being female .. I can't whip out a penis  :-)
A member here, Julie, began taking ditropan AND ummmm, crap, the
name slipped my mind but it's for bladder spasms too.  Her leaking stopped
after using both drugs.  She has a foley like me, however.
Maybe she'll respond too.
C4./5 complete
-------Original Message-------
Date: 03/22/05 11:00:29
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Suprapubic Leaking Question
Hey Dave,
Whats the advantage of a suprapubic, im straight cathed ever 4 hrs it really
sucks especially when I go out.  Also im inconet some times especially at
night.  Where do you wear the bag, is the surgery bad.  Thanks Silas
----- Original Message -----
From: "dave headman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 8:23 AM
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Suprapubic Leaking Question
> my sp cath has been leaking a lot in the last year.
> i'm now using a 26 french with a 30cc baloon. last month
> the urilogist removed 3 small bladder stones. that stopped
> 80 % of the leakage. i was able to stop the leaking compleatly
> with higher doses of ditropan, but my mouth got too dry and
> i couldn't eat. now i just keep a small towel over the cath
> and change it frequently.
> dave headman
> c4-26yrs post
>>From: k t <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: [QUAD-L] Suprapubic Leaking Question
>>Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 17:06:00 -0800 (PST)
>>Hi everyone,
>>I have a question for those who have suprapubic? I am a C/3 -- C/4
>>quadriplegic (32 years post). I had my suprapubic put in 1976. Over the
>>years it has worked wonderful. In the last year, I have run into some
>>leakage around the catheter site itself.
>>I was wondering if anyone else with the suprapubic has experienced
>>intermittent leaking? My urologist has increased my Ditropan and he also
>>increased my balloon size of the catheter itself. Neither seemed to help.
>>Any feedback would be appreciated.
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