OK, something stunk about all this, like her husband not making "her so
called" wishes known after she was first diagnosed as being in a
vegitative state.
But we will never really know.
But why did SOCIETY let this happen?
People won't like the answer.
This started with Roe VS Wade.
That decision devalued human life and desensitised society to the point
that most of our country supported the decision to remove the feeding tube.
The Activist judges who would have refused the removal of a convicted
killer's (who was on death row) feeding tube did nothing.
A secular society supports assisted suicide, partial birth abortion, and
will lead us down the path where those to sick to fend for themselves
will face the "Soylent Green" solution.
Those are my final words on this subject.
I'm only glad that she suffers no longer and that nobody can ever hurt
her again. 
I hope that EVERYONE learns from this and becomes pro-active by making
sure to fill out a living will.

> The tragedy is that "if" someone would have placed food and water in
front of 
> her
> and "if" she could have been able to reach it, she would have survived.  
> That was the legal ruling!
> How many on the quad list can't "if" their food is placed in front of them
> would be unable to feed themselves? Are we then to legally eliminate
> just because they can't feed themselves?
> One fact, Terri could swallow, she could eat normally, it just took
too long 
> so a feeding tube was inserted.
> We are on a slippery slope!
> G.A.

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