In ancient days a powerful king summoned to his court all the wisest men of the kingdom. He directed them to find the ultimate truth, a fact that would be true in all situations and for all time. After many days of deliberation the men came before the king. Their conclusion ? A simple four word phrase.................This too, shall pass.

From: "Lori Michaelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Lori Michaelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Quad" <>
Subject: [QUAD-L] The Fall
Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2005 11:19:56 -0700

Totally agree with you there Dan!

I've said this before and I'll say it again ... If one has ever read The
Rise and Fall of the Holy Roman Empire ... one will see that our nation is
on that road of falling in much the same way. We're falling apart from the
inside out yet people go about their days as if in a blind ignorance OR THEY
ARE ignorant by not educating themselves on the severity of the situation.

And the Roman Empire was around ALOT longer than OUR nation. Our falling is
not IF it will fall but WHEN.

-------Original Message-------

Date: 04/02/05 09:37:42
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] The blame game

Mark, the united states is slowing going broke and it will without changes
How can everyone without insurance or any coverage all be kept alive ?
Especially in long extended cases of coma and or brain damage. Modern
medicine has got to the point where complete brain dead people can be kept
alive 20 years if desired.In the meantime our society is going downhill,
education is in trouble- healthcare-and on and on....Our deficet is in the
Trillions and we pay hundreds of thousands just in intrest on it. If I need
life support perhaps for a week or so but then let me go.....make way for
the people and kids who need help with a chance of a long better life ahead
of them.
Just my own opinion tho---

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