my dad used to change the car oil and dump it beside the driveway to "kill the weeds"  arizona 'weeds' are tuff little critters.  it took multiple oil changes.  honeywell used to dump all industrial cleaning fluids down an old abandoned water well on their old property.   we've come a long ways baby.
In a message dated 4/12/2005 10:54:06 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I have heard of this saying too!  It does make mankind look reeeeeeally bad!
But its our own fault.  An example -I've been told by my stepfather --is to
look at Niagara Falls.  The water before and directly after the falls is
nice and clear, but a few miles down, on the American side, it is already

I 'know' the factory I used to work for dumped poisoness liquids on the
ground along the RR tracks.  It was not the 55 gal. barrel type amount, but
enough to see it on the ground and to seep thru the ground.  Everytime I see
the Missouri River, I wonder how it must have looked to the first white-man
explorers, who said it was clear to the bottom.

Yeah, if you think about it a lot, or even a little, you get the feeling
that something has to give and it will probably be 'us'.

----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Wanna worry?

> i love the clip someone made - forgot who - that if all nuisance type bugs
> (flys, mosquitoes, gnats, ...) were eliminated from earth, all life as we
> know
> it would be gone within five years.  if however man was removed from
> earth,
> life on earth would flourish in five years.
> funny to think we are nothing more than a bad experiment - just an avocado
> pit that's too big.  viva le cockroach.
> dave
> In a message dated 4/10/2005 4:31:19 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
> All of us could work our butts off to 'save' ourselves or the  planet.
> But
> earth has taken care of ITSELF for eons and always  will.
> Dinosaur poop was more toxic than anything we have and yet they  reigned
> this
> earth FAR LONGER than we have.  We're a blip in  time.
> If one REALLY wants cause to worry ... read The Demon in  the Freezer.  A
> current debate on our smallpox (THE  deadliest virus hitherto) stockpiles
> and WHO
> has them.  A smallpox  sample, unlike anthrax scares, will bring the world
> to
> its knees in  weeks.  Some scientists In the know" are losing sleep over
> this
> current dilemma.
> Biowarfare THESE DAYS is more likely to kill us than nuclear  warfare,
> Lori
> -------Original  Message-------
> Date: 04/10/05  16:15:40
> Subject: [QUAD-L]  birth control
> Natural Law established its laws along time ago.  Violate  just one of
> them
> and you will be pushing daisies in short time.   Then  along comes modern
> medicine and
> yanks a few of those who violated Natural Law and through that  knowledge,
> a
> few
> survived.  Natural has ways of neutralizing  growth.  Just consider some
> of
> the past
> with plagues, floods and famine.  So enjoy life, as it  moves so swiftly.
> Remember
> when you were a kid???  Now look at you,  (lol).  We all are living proof
> how
> rapidly
> time moves and moves on.
> Best Wishes to ya all!
> W
> In a message dated 4/10/05 2:35:25 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   writes:
> << Call me pessimistic, but Thomas Malthus predicted it 200  years ago.
> Population will inevitably exceed available resources. To  encourage
> unbridled baby making in an over-crowded and shrinking world is
> completely
> irresponsible an unrealistic >>
> The  moral flabbiness born of the bitch goddess Success. That- with the
> squalid cash  interpretation put on the word success- is our national
> disease.
> -William  James  1906

The moral flabbiness born of the bitch goddess Success. That- with the squalid cash interpretation put on the word success- is our national disease.  -William James  1906

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