Hey Dan,
A sensitivity test is simply this ... a test done AT or BY THE LAB that shows WHICH antibiodics will hit the bacteria growth one has.
Because my husband was a chief lab tech for nearly 10 yrs ... we know to REQUEST THAT THE LAB DO SENSITIVITIES REGARDLESS OF GROWTH.  That may seem odd to you and you might think "isn't that the normal way of doing things anyway?" The answer is no it is not.
The lab will usually just do a growth culture - period.  The lab techs decide whether it's a pathogen or not.  Uncool ... let THE DR DECIDE whether to treat it or not because the docs are the ones who CAN write the scripts.  So ALWAYS REQUEST the lab DO sensitivity testing so the Dr can see the list of drugs (on the lab report) that WILL WORK.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 04/21/05 16:00:28
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] D-Mannose
   Lori, me - you and a few others seem to be in the same boat - with the bladder and UTI'S and such. I am like you I seldom can clear it up totally anymore, must be on bladder walls as you mentioned. Can you tell me what a SENSITIVITY TEST is ? I have never had that done. I am aware that 4 types are very bad i was told.... one is what you have another I had about a year ago, its called PSEUADMONAS, I was hospitalized with that one, then did ok for about 6 months, after that problems all the time--at least i seldom get the chills or fever ( thank god )  And YES I agree this PLUS the syringomyelia Pains can be QUITE FRUSTRATING..... Thanks for telling me about Elavil, now at least I can sleep better at  night.  I guess we gotta keep positive and just fight on-- this site helps to know we are not alone in some of these things, and others are going thru some of the same problems.

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