Well Bobbie listening to music would make me a bit more depressed since I danced Professional Latin ..... and I can feel rhytme in every song ...... try to keep your mind active with everthing ..... music is soothing.


David K. Kelmer wrote:
Hi Bobbie,
I've got to have a lot of natural light.  The warmer the better because I can wear less, and so can everyone else!  Give me a good sunrise and someone to share it with and my day is made.  :-)

With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA
I'm been very depressed lately. What do you guys do to ward it "it" off? I've been listening to some of my favorite music and talking to friends and my sweetheart.
  Help ~ Bobbie

Martin T. Brown
Radical Mobility cc

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