Hi Smurf,
Not only is it a part of parenthood, but it's the BEST part!  :)
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA

Your too right there CtrlAltDel, over here it's nothing to see 13 year olds giving birth, there was an 11 year old on the news about it the other day!  I was really lucky because my mum has given me a really good start to life, and my brother stepped in as my male role model, so between the two I'm one of the extremely lucky youths.
I personallycan never understand why some parents don't want to bring up their kids - surely that's all part of parenthood?!?!
Love Smurf xxx
In a message dated 16/04/2005 21:34:04 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hi QP,
Todays youth don't have good parents to teach them how to live.
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 28 Years Post
Texas, USA 

QuadPirate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I wrote mine it wasn't real long but expressed my feelings and disgust for this assault.
What's going on with our youth?
This kid in Cali just beat another to death over a ball game!
-------Original Message-------
Date: 04/14/05 17:49:51
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Write letters to the Editor of Columbus Newspaper via online.
Hi Wheels,
The letters to the school board will be 'buried' but letters ABOUT the school board will be read by the newspapers, state officials, and the public.  In a case this shameful I think the more letters that are received is better than one letter with a lot of signatures.  Speak out and be heard by those that can make a difference!
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 28 Years Post
Texas, USA

Write letters to the editor. School officials read newspapers, School board
read the newspapers too. So do state officials. Send you letters to the

In a message dated 4/13/05 5:52:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Yep. I think it's very important to write to the media because it will
get published and then others will see it, but also, I think it's as
important to write to the school district, as they are the ones making
the decision for now about how to deal with the school staff that was
involved. Maybe someone with some extra time on their hands can find
the Columbus Public Schools Superintendent's office address / email and
share it with the group. I'll look a little later today, I am swamped
with work right now, but if I get it I'll pass it along. >>


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